Capitol Valet DC
Dry Cleaning • Tailoring • Cobbling • Laundry • Free Pickup/Delivery • M-F 7:30-7, Sat 9-6 • 202.550.7722 •

CUSTOMERS ALWAYS ASK, "Can you do such and such and if so for how much?" And then they ask rather incredulously, "And that's with free pickup and delivery?"
Our Price Lists
IN TODAY'S ECONOMY, keeping prices low is a serious challenge.
But Capitol Valet DC is a company that is both family owned and family operated, which helps with costs, and our staff has more than three centuries of accumulated experience, which yields incredible expertise and efficiency. We also rely on volume instead of margins and word of mouth rather than expensive advertising.
The result is loyal, appreciative customers who save money and have a whole lot more free time to do what they want and need, thanks to our convenient, free pickup and delivery service.
Dry Cleaning
Laundered shirts (machine pressed) $2.40
Laundered shirts (folded and boxed) $3.40
Laundered shirts (hand pressed) $4.95
Suits (two piece) $11.60
Sweaters $6.05
Blouses $6.05
Dresses $11.09
Jackets $7.05
Pants $6.05
Scarves $6.50
Skirts $6.50
Sport coats $7.05
Overcoats $19.60
Ties $6.50
Vests $5.35
Others per agreement
Wash and fold (per pound) $2.00
Linens (per pound) $2.00
Sheet sets (four piece) $25.00
Sheet sets (six piece) $30.00
Others per agreement
Buttons free
Cuffs $18.00
Dresses (hemmed) $35.00 and up
Jeans with original hem $20.00
Jeans with regular hem $16.00
Pants (rehemmed) $6.00 per leg
Pants (hemmed, shortened) $16.00
Pants (with lining, hemmed/shortened) $18.00
Patching $10.00 and up
Sewing (simple) $5.00 and up
Skirts (hemmed) $35.00 and up
Zippers $20.00 and up
Others per agreement
Shoe Repair
Heels (women’s) $20.00
Heels (men’s) $40.00
Soles (half) $50.00
Soles (full, with shine) $70.00
Soles (half) and heels $70.00
Clean and shine $15.00
Others per agreement
TO OUR RETURNING CUSTOMERS: We certainly know how expensive it is living in our area and therefore do whatever we can to keep your dry cleaning, cobbling, laundry, and tailoring bills as low as possible. If you appreciate the results, including our free home and office pickup and delivery, perhaps you could say so with a brief, positive Yelp review and/or Facebook like? We would be extremely grateful. Simply click on one or both links to help. Chelsea