Capitol Valet DC
Dry Cleaning • Tailoring • Cobbling • Laundry • Free Pickup/Delivery • M-F 7:30-7, Sat 9-6 • 202.550.7722 •

"I LOVE HOW YOU CHERISH people and the planet so much."
Standing for Something
DOES IT MAKE SENSE to be a cleaning company that dirties the environment? Of course not.
Or is it truly possible for a dry cleaner to give 100% effort 100% of the time to 100% of his or her customers while fouling their water, land, and air? Again, of course not.
That's why from the very beginning, when my husband and I worked long and hard over the kitchen table to nail down the core principles of Capitol Valet DC, we vowed to make it an organic, green, and caring company dedicated to being a benevolent corporate citizen. We were certain it was simply the decent and right thing to do!
DC's Green Cleaners
CVDC IS AN ORGANIC DRY-CLEANING COMPANY that has never, ever used percloroetheline, a chemical linked to cancer, liver damage, and infertility. Instead, from day one our business has only used nontoxic solvents.
To help sustain our community and planet, we also work green by
Minimizing paper usage via electronic registration and billing
Utilizing the most advanced cleaning, drying, and pressing equipment
Eschewing plastic bags for eco-friendly, reusable wardrobe satchels
Recycling all hangers and other recoverables
And using advanced logistics to route our vehicles on fuel-saving, intelligent pickup and delivery paths.
Giving Back
CVDC IS ALSO A PEOPLE-FIRST COMPANY that operates a perpetual clothing drive.
We do this by collecting gifted, quality clothes from you—our customers—and dry cleaning them as if they were still yours. We then package and transport them to Martha’s Table, the philanthropic organization that for decades “has worked to build a better future for children, their families, and neighbors in Washington, DC by increasing access to education, food, and opportunity.”
Your donations, in other words, receive the same quality attention all wardrobes get and then make their way to those in critical need.
We do all this for free, know it makes sense, and love making a difference. It’s our way of contributing and giving back.
TO OUR RETURNING CUSTOMERS: My husband and I strive to make CVDC a socially responsible company. For example, rather than our customers driving to us, we go to them with our free home and office pickup and delivery. The fuel savings alone limit our environmental impact. If you like our approach, perhaps you could say so with a brief, positive Yelp review and/or Facebook like? We would be extremely grateful. Simply click on one or both links to help. Chelsea